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How do I get started after login in?

1. This will be your view of your own private the Main dashboard with courses you have acquired or bought. 

2. Please Click "Courses in Bundle" to view all the courses or subjects in your bundle. If your course is not a bundle or simply one subject please click "Access" to view it. See image below:

As you can see several subjects with green colour showing as a progress bar with percentages of completion of the whole subject. When getting started you should see these bars empty pegged at 0%. As you proceed they will continue to grow towards 100% completion as you go on studying.

3. Now to study for example a subject called "Geography", go ahead and click the word "Access" in green colour right in line of the Subject name (Geography), to start studying. See image below:

To get going above, click the button "Let's get started" and enter into course details. On your left side bar, as shown on the above image, are the Topics and Sub-topics you will find inside the course content you about to study. Please not that you can't proceed to next subtopic or topic, or even to skip one before you complete the current topic and subtopic in the given order, otherwise the content will show you a lock symbol. 

4. As shown on the above image, all the lesson topics begin with Objectives or what you will learn throughout the chapter. They are not questions, no, they are aims of the lesson. To proceed you have to mark the green button at the bottom "Mark as completed", then mark the second green button "Next", so you can proceed to the next page or subtopic.

5. Type of Content. The type of content include diagrams, text, images, videos, audios, etc. You can see exactly where you are with your course subtopics at the left bar. In this case the "Six thermometer" is under the bold highlighted subtopic "Weather elements and instruments" (see on your left bar on the above image.)

6. On every page you will be reading, at the bottom there is a User discussion box, ready for you to ask an online tutor or teacher, the tutor will not answer instantly but within 24 hours. And please note that any question you post in that box is public to all learners, except for end of subtopic quizzes which are private.

That's it, this should help you get started without any problem!